Do you need to know the market price

of your hotel or the rent level for the purpose of

  • determination of the market rent (lessor/tenant relation)

  • tax reasons

  • sale of a hotel

  • acquisition of a hotel

  • bank financing?

JAN Hospitality

Why JAN Hospitality?

  • we are certified experts in hotel valuation field
  • we have more than 20 years of working experience in hospitality
  • we have completed more than 300 successful cases of valuation and audits
  • our certification stamp is acknowledged by courts and tax offices
  • our services are frequently used by banks
  • the combination of personal working experience in hospitality and our profound expertise in hotel valuation makes us unique on the market

RELY on JAN Hospitality!

For complete offer of our services please go to SERVICES,
or call Jan Adámek +420 724 070 539 to arrange a personal meeting!

Contact us.

Would you like to ask something? Don’t hesitate to call or write to us.

JAN Hospitality
Václavské náměstí 43
110 00, Praha 1

+420 608 300 600