How to reduce cost / increase profits

Periodically, every entrepreneur must determine whether he/she is meeting profit expectations. We have analysed over one hundred companies in the hotel and restaurants (F&B) sector. This topic is a sensitive issue because the owner or business manager thinks they have failed if their profit is less than expected. We believe the person who fails is the one who can’t admit their results are not optimal. In this area, we usually help clients address how to increase profits or get a company out of the losses.

Increasing revenues

Do guests spend as much money as you expected in your hotel?

Do you have the right marketing set up?

Have you set the correct target group (i.e. who is your target guest)?

  • Do you know how to communicate with your target group? Do you know where to find it?
  • Does the interior of your establishment match the needs of your target group?
  • Does the name, logo, marketing material, website and Facebook profile match the needs of your target group?

Are your employees good at selling your company’s services?

What percentage of guests return to your hotel?

Together, we will answer these questions and find out what direction to go. JAN Hospitality will prepare a complete marketing plan for you, including how to acquire guests, what to offer guests, what spending to expect, and how to motivate guests to return.

Reducing costs

Are you doing regular monthly analyses of your revenues and costs?

Do you know your competitors’ costs?

Do you find that some of your costs are too high?

Do you feel that costs are too high, but don’t know where the problem lies?

Costs are difficult. Often people simply can’t imagine buying less of something, negotiating lower prices or hiring less people in the off-season. An entrepreneur is used to the level of his/her own costs, and it is often difficult to look at them from a different perspective.

JAN Hospitality is a cost-monitoring specialist. We have our own system which we have used to conduct dozens of audits and we have analysed over one hundred companies. That’s why we can quickly find room for improvement.

We will provide you with a cost analysis, usually within one month of ordering, and after consulting with you we will propose a solution and a long-term plan.

Costs have one beautiful attribute: they can often be reduced very quickly. While increasing revenues may be a job for the long haul, you will see the first reduction in costs in the following month.

We are completely discreet in this area. We never say who we work for, so you can rely on everything to remain between the client and consultant.


Feasibility study

Hotel projects – construction, reconstruction, acquisition

  • description of the business environment in the hotel sector (country/province/city/municipal district)
  • legal and tax restrictions
  • preparation of a detailed hotel budget, 5-years forecast
  • preparation of a study for hotel construction
  • costs, processes and schedule for hotel preopening
  • benchmark – comparison with competing hotels

Creating estimate of the hotel’s market value

  • provide calculations of revenues from accommodation
  • calculation of revenues from other departments (catering, conferences, parking, laundry, wellness, fitness, massages, concierge, etc.)
  • calculation of costs, GOP (gross operating profit)
  • trends, 10-year forecast
  • benchmark – comparison with competing hotels

Marketing strategy

  • define target customers and create a viable strategy for their acquisition
  • SWOT analysis
  • online communication, social media, cooperation with search engines
  • Public Relations
  • focus on suitable business partners (travel agencies, online, corporate clients, local customers)

Consultation for other types of hotels

  • guest houses
  • apartments in the mountains, recreational areas near water and other tourist destinations
  • long-term accommodation (apartments, serviced apartments)


Conducting a feasibility study

Existing restaurants, renovations, construction of new premises

  • provide descriptions of the business environment in the restaurants and gastro sector
  • legal and tax restrictions, hygiene standards, local by-laws and specifics
  • preparation of a detailed budget
  • preparation of a study for construction and interior fixtures
  • proposal of restaurant concept, pricing, costs of stock (ingredients)

Estimate of market value

  • calculation of revenues from food and beverages
  • calculation of costs and profit
  • trends, 5 or 10-year forecast
  • benchmark – comparison with the competition

Marketing strategy

  • targeting the right customer
  • online communication, local communication, social media
  • Public Relations
  • focus on suitable business partners (group events)
  • loyalty program


Conference facilities

  • consultation on current revenues, costs and profits
  • preparation of budgets – revenues, costs, profit
  • identification of losses and weaknesses
  • targeting the right customer
  • marketing strategy, competitive advantages

Wellness, spa, fitness

  • identification of losses and weaknesses
  • targeting the right customer
  • consultation on current revenues, costs and profits
  • determination of suitable components – number of machines, number of saunas, etc.
  • marketing strategy, competitive advantages

Contact us

Would you like to ask something? Don’t hesitate to call or write to us.

JAN Hospitality
VĂĄclavskĂ© nĂĄměstĂ­ 43
110 00, Praha 1

+420 608 300 600